A local zine store recently reignited my passion for this DIY art form. The zines I enjoy are often more personal than books or traditional magazines. Less concerned with tidiness and marketability. Zines themselves, regardless of their subject matter, remind me of poems. Sometimes they’re more about a tone, a sense of something, a snapshot…
Tag: rokkatru
“Dream Logic – On Narcolepsy and Paganism” column published at The Wild Hunt
Guest columnist Bat Collazo explores the connections between dreams, disability, and the divine in this column about zir experiences with type one narcolepsy. I’ve been mulling over this piece for a long time, and it feels good to send it out into the world. Loki, despite recently getting an entire book, also features heavily in…
Gifts of the Wyrd podcast episode 46: “Loki Devotional Editor Bat Collazo”
After the release of Blood Unbound: A Loki Devotional on April 1, 2021, available for purchase through Troth Publications here, I sat down with Jan Hijatt on the Gifts of the Wyrd podcast to reconnect and discuss on the book’s debut. We talk about Loki’s place in modern Heathenry, the importance of a book featuring…
Blood Unbound: A Loki Devotional book launch on April 1, 2021
Blood Unbound: A Loki Devotional, edited by Bat Collazo, with cover art by Sae Lokason, and published by The Troth, will be released for sale in e-book and print forms on April Fools’ Day 2021. The launch date feels fitting: the archetype of the Fool is well-known for cleverness, change, and challenging authority, aspects Loki…